
Book: The First - Part: One - Chapter: 10 - Installment: i

Hospitals, care facilities and private practitioners across Canada have been warned to be vigilant of a suspected pathogen of unidentified source and vector.
Infectivity of the suspected pathogen is undetermined and should be treated as extremely virulent by any and all potential vectors.         
Preliminary morbidity reports show a case fatality of 3-10 days with an indicated mortality rate of 100%.
Incidence density remains extremely low, but due to the suspected term of infectivity and the dire morbidity of the pathogen, all cases showing suspect symptoms (see attached) should be treated with the fullest precaution applicable.  Additionally, all symptomatic subjects must be reported to the Centre for Disease Control immediately.


Jesus Christ -- the fucking 'Net. How do bloggers manage to scoop us on this stuff?
Bev read the advisory over again.
One hundred percent mortality. That’s scary. Nothing to indicate what the disease does to its victims – that’s where it REALLY could get scary.
Symptoms… ‘see attached.’ That’s where the real story is, if there’s anything. 
Extremely low incidence density… God. With it killing all its hosts that’s a small ray of light.
She picked up the phone and dialed an extension. The News Director, Cal.
“How do you feel about scary?”
“Scary is good.”
“I’m sending you a link.”
She cut and pasted the URL into her email and snapped it off to him. She waited a minute while Cal scanned the notice.
“Gad-damn.” He muttered. “Damned internet is going to make us obsolete. How do they get their hands on this stuff?”
“Let’s do them one bigger.” Bev suggested.
“What do you have in mind?”
“One hundred percent mortality is pretty damned scary.”
“No shit.”
“Let’s see what we can get from the CDC. The less forthcoming they are the more latitude we have to make something of this. Either way we win.”
“They either give us the goods, or we make this look like the SARS outbreak crossed with Ebola.”
“Pretty much my way of thinking, Cal.”
“We can’t go that far.”
“I know it’s not responsible. But we can use it as leverage. They don’t know we’re bluffing.”
“Nice. Can you turn it around for the Afternoon Report?”
“Sooner if I can.”
Bev, I should have fucked you when it wouldn’t have been harassment.”
“You never had an offer.”

Chapter 11 

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Creative Commons License
Necropolis by Kennedy Goodkey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada License.
Based on a work at necropolisnovels.blogspot.com.